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Robert Arbon (1958)
Katie Avery (Krogh) (1952)
Margaret Ruth Banyard (Thompson) (1963)
Bob Barta (1953)
Bill Bertelsen (1951)
Sue Ann Bishop (Vernon) (1962)
Janet Bissell (Williams) (1958)
Gerald Brower (1963)
Dennie Butterfield (1947)
Amy Cox (Jones) (1962)
Vicki Lynne Darais (1964)
Patricia Demopoulos (Tabmadge) (1957)
Peggy DeValcour (Carey) (1948)
Thomas Dibble (1961)
Gordon Dixon (1961)
Merrill Gee (1961)
Cheryl Green (Cantrell) (1967)
Sandra Green (Tanner) (1963)
Wayne Hadley (1957)
Jean Hansen (Ostler) (1959)
Lowell Hawkes (1960)
Beverly Jensen (Rafferty) (1952)
Raymond Jones (1958)
Kenneth Kerr (1951)
Annette Kathleen La… (1966)
Cheryl Lewis (1969)
Vern Lewis (1967)
Doug Linde (1960)
Steve Linde (1963)
Brent Manning
James Marley (1949)
Dennis Mc Iver (1961)
Gayle Mc Murray (1964)
Carolyn McNabb (Olson) (1962)
Kaye Merrell (Whirl) (1956)
Roy Middleton (1951)
Joanne Mingus (Western) (1957)
Patricia Moldenhauer (Whitney) (1962)
Mary Montgomery (Barta) (1958)
Don Olsen (1964)
Dale Olson (1947)
Darold Olson (1957)
Jim Ostler (1957)
Rita Pieper (Ostler) (1962)
Stephen Pond (1973)
AnnJoe Preece (Lake) (1958)
Anna Marie Primbs (Si…) (1968)
Paulette Ren (1964)
Dee Ann Roberts (Thompson) (1962)
Judy Romney (Hatch) (1962)
John Singleton (1966)
Lee Taylor (1963)
Jerry Thompson (1957)
Jim Thompson (1953)
Tom Tufano (1961)
Jack Umphery (1950)
Connie Umphrey (1950)
Dean Vernon (1961)
Kristy Western (Sullivan) (1961)
Donald Williams (1955)
Barbara Yamada (1964)